Butte-Meade Sanitary Water District


Butte Meade Water District - Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Butte & Meade Counties
September 13th, 2021

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Butte-Meade Sanitary Water District was held at the District Office on July 13, 2022 at 8:00 a.m., led by the Pledge of Allegiance.  The meeting was called to order by President of the Board, Bob Lewis at 8:00 a.m.

Unless otherwise noted, all Board action was by unanimous decision.

Members Present: Bob Lewis, Gary Velder, Penny Oedekoven, Richard Harmon, Judy Heisler, Don Hunt and Dallas Conner.  

Motion by Bob Lewis, second Penny Oedekoven to adopt the agenda, motion carried.

The Minutes of the regular June 8, 2022 meeting were read and approved on a motion by Penny Oedekoven and second by Richard Harmon.  Motion carried. 

The Minutes of the special June 27, 2022 meeting were read and approved on a motion by Judy Heisler and second by Penny Oedekoven.  Motion carried. 

The Treasurer’s Report and bills were approved on a motion by Richard Harmon, second Judy Heisler.  Motion carried.

Old Business: 

  • Water Application – The water application was submitted on June 29, 2022


New Business:

  • Water Deposits – Water deposits on hand do not match what is on the financial statement.  CharLee & Kim have been going thru the files to see what is owed.  Currently there are is $8604.00 to be refunded.  We have addresses for most, but still looking for a few.  If those can’t be found, the funds will be turned over to the state.


Manager Report:

  • Office Update: Waiting on an estimate to fix the sill plate & to level & reinforce the main office floor.


District Update:

  • Don had knee surgery on June 29, he is doing well.
  • Telemetry issues at the Vale Well, working on getting them resolved. 
  • Mike has been in contact with land owner where the new well will potentially be.  Everything is on track and looking positive.  Will wait to do anything more until we hear back from the state on the water application.
  • 2 new taps installed and a few leaks fixed in June.
  • The District is getting low on meter pits. They are on backorder.
  • Mike has been having cell phone issued.  He has been trying to get them resolved but with our current plan, it has been difficult.


Motion by Bob Lewis, second Gary Velder, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 am.

ATTEST:    Dallas Conner                                       Bob Lewis 

               Clerk-Treasurer                                  President of the Board

ATTEST:    Dallas Conner                                                  Clerk-Treasurer 

                  Bob Lewis                                                    President of the Board