Butte-Meade Sanitary Water District

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Mission Statement

Statement Of Objectives

  1. The goals and objectives of the Butte-Meade Sanitary Water District are to provide safe and affordable water to the rural customer; to keep the cost of service at a price the farmer/rancher can afford; to maintain low price, high quality service every year; and once the District has met all its financial obligations, to put money back into the system to keep it running well. It will be a priority to borrow money only when necessary to keep all equipment, wells, pipeline, etc. in the best condition possible. The District is for the benefit of the farmer/rancher. If housing developments or expansion opportunities arise, they will be considered and included if there is adequate water and the expansion is financially self sufficient.
  2. To establish policies, rules, and regulations setting forth the District’s intentions for the conduct of the business affairs of the District in a manner that will result in a successful operation.
  3. To treat all water users alike with respect to recurring situations by establishing standard policies, rules, and regulations.
  4. To provide high-quality service to the water users of the District at lowest possible – cost and consistent with sound business practices.
  5. To make known to the water users the policies, rules, and regulations of the District.
  6. To create a favorable image among the water users and general public.
  7. To do District business in Butte County, Meade County and locally as much as possible.
  8. To represent at all times the interests of the water users in the most fair and equitable manner.
  9. To supplement the provisions of South Dakota Codified Laws Chapter 34A-5.
  10. To operate in an economically independent and self-sustaining manner.
  11. To provide a source of water that is independent from other necessary utility