Butte-Meade Sanitary Water District

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July 14th, 2021

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Butte-Meade Sanitary Water District was held at the District Office on July 14th, 2021 at 8:00 a.m., led by the Pledge of Allegiance.  The meeting was called to order by the President of the Board, Bob Lewis at 8:05 a.m.

Unless otherwise noted, all Board action was by unanimous decision.

Members Present: Bob Lewis, Gary Velder, Penny Oedekoven, Mike Wolff, and Dallas Connor Absent: Judy Heisler and Hope Komes.

Motion by Gary Velder, second Bob Lewis to adopt the agenda, motion carried.

The Minutes of the regular May 12th, 2021 meeting were not available.  Will approve them in August.

The Treasurer’s Report and bills were approved on a motion by Bob Lewis, second Gary Velder, motion carried.

Old Business:

  • Appoint Trustee: Two individuals sent in letters of interest for the Trustee position. Board interviewed each individual and they decided to ask Richard Harmon to become a Trustee. Nominated by Gary Velder, 2nd by Bob Lewis, motion carried.
  • 2022 Budget will be completed shortly.
  • Storage area for files was discussed. Discussion was tabled until Clerk-Treasurer Komes returned from vacation. Will discuss this at the August meeting.


New Business:

  • Renewal for health insurance. Motion made by Gary Velder, 2nd by Bob Lewis to approved the renewal. Motion carried.
  • Hope to continue with classes at WDTI with Butte Meade Sanitary Water District to pay for classes. Motion made by Gary Velder and 2nd by Penny Oedekoven, motion carried.
  • Kim to make a list of items she would like additional training on in Banyon. Banyon will not do any onsite training unless everyone has been vaccinated for COVID.
  • New Hire: Not approved at this time.
  • Payroll will become bi-weekly beginning in August on a motion made by Gary Velder and 2nd by Penny Oedekoven, motion carried.
  • Wages were set for 2022 on a motion by Gary and 2nd by Penny. Motion carried.
    • Mike Wolff: $39.00/hour
    • Don Hunt: $26.25/hour
    • Todd Williamson: $26.25/hour
    • Hope Komes: $19.75/hour
    • Kim Marzolff: $16.00/hour


Manager Wolff‘s Report: 

  • Water Breaks: Reid Well has had pump issues. Repaired and it was working properly. 
  • Water break near Luigi’s, repaired. 
  • Small leak near Experimental Farm was repaired. 
  • Located lines near Indian Creek bridge for road work. 
  • A/C in Vale quit, probably blower motor, took to Turbiville for repairs. Purchased a window A/C until blower is repaired. 
  • All pipe in for project east of Newell, AKA Donahey Project.
  • Need to locate 2 lines by fall, one near Owl Creek Bridge and the other near Maloney Creek. 
  • Redo lines near junction in the next few years when highway is redone.
  • County is also re-working Helmer Road. Dwayne with the County said the County would work with the District on this project.
  • John Froelich is putting in 1.5 miles of new line. Butte Meade will furnish the pipe.
  • Water use is up. We’ve pumped 12.6 million gallons so far in 2021.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am.

ATTEST:    Hope Komes                                       Bob Lewis 

               Clerk-Treasurer                                  President of the Board

ATTEST:    Hope Komes                                        Clerk-Treasurer 

                  Bob Lewis                                             President of the Board