Butte-Meade Sanitary Water District


Butte-Meade Water District
117 Girard Avenue
P.O. Box 5 Newell, South Dakota 57760
Unapproved Minutes, March 22,2021

The ButteMeade Water District Special Meeting was called to Order at 1:50 PM, March 22, 2021, with the following Trustee present Bob Lewis, Penny Oedekoven, Gary Velder, Judy Heisler and Attorney Dwight Gubbrud, Absent Brian Stanbaugh 

Pledge of Allegiance lead by Gary Velder

Motion made by Bob Lewis to go into Executive session @ 1:55PM for Personnel Issues 2nd by Penny Oedekoven. All in favor, motion carried

Out of Executive session at 2:55PM, No action taken 

Motion made by Penny Oedekoven to adjourn meeting at 3:01PM, 2nd by Gary Velder. All in favor, motion carried 

Respectfully submitted Judy Heisler ButteMeade Water Trustee