Butte-Meade Sanitary Water District

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Butte Sanitary Meade Water District - Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Butte & Meade Counties
December 13, 2023

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Butte-Meade Sanitary Water District was held at the District Office on December 13, 2023, at 8:00 a.m., led by the Pledge of Allegiance.  The meeting was called to order by the President of the Board, Bob Lewis at 8:00 a.m.

Unless otherwise noted, all Board action was by unanimous decision.

Members Present: Bob Lewis, Gary Velder, Penny Oedekoven, Judy Heisler, Richard Harmon, Todd Williamson, and Dallas Conner.  

Motion by Penny Oedekoven, second by Judy Heisler to adopt the agenda.  Motion carried.

The Minutes of the regular November 8, 2023, meeting were presented and approved on a motion by Judy Heisler, second by Richard Harmon.  Motion carried. 

The Treasurer’s Report and bills were approved on a motion by Richard Harmon, second Penny Oedekoven.  Motion carried.

Old Business:

  • Well Update –The FNSI report was published and the waiting period is passed, and things are moving forward with closing the loan.  

New Business:

  • Audit – Audit was presented to the board.  The Audit was accepted by the state.
  • Christmas Bonus – Discussion was held on Christmas bonus for employees.  Motion by Richard Harmon to approve a $250 net bonus for each full time employee.  Seconded by Judy Heisler, motion carried.

Office Manager Report:

  • Christmas Party is scheduled for January 26, 6:00 pm at High Plains.


Manager Report:

  • 1 new hookup done with 1 more to go this month.
  • Fixed several leaks this past month.
  • Lead Service Line surveys are going well.  There are 336 left of the almost 1,000 accounts.  
  • Western Dakota Regional Water System – Todd gave an update on what is happening with the system.

Motion by Bob Lewis, second Gary Velder, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 am.

ATTEST:    Dallas Conner                                       Bob Lewis 

               Clerk-Treasurer                                  President of the Board

ATTEST:    Dallas Conner                                                  Clerk-Treasurer 

                  Bob Lewis                                                    President of the Board