Butte-Meade Sanitary Water District


Butte-Meade Sanitary Water District - Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Butte & Meade Counties
May 11, 2022

A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Butte-Meade Sanitary Water District was held at the District Office on May 11, 2022 at 8:00 a.m., led by the Pledge of Allegiance.  The meeting was called to order by the Vice-President of the Board, Penny Oedekoven at 8:00 a.m.

Unless otherwise noted, all Board action was by unanimous decision.

Members Present: Gary Velder, Penny Oedekoven, Richard Harmon, Judy Heisler, Mike Wolff and Dallas Conner.  Bob Lewis was absent.

Motion by Richard Harmon, second Judy Heisler to adopt the agenda, motion carried.

The Minutes of the regular April 20, 2022 meeting were read and approved on a motion by Penny Oedekoven and second by Richard Harmon.  Motion carried. 

The Treasurer’s Report and bills were approved on a motion by Richard Harmon, second Judy Heisler.  Motion carried.

Old Business: None this month.

New Business:

  • Second reading of Ordinance No 1-2022 – An ordinance amending Butte-Meade Sanitary District Ordinance No 1-2018 – Water Rates. Motion by Judy Heisler, second by Richard Harmon to approve the first second of Ordinance No 1-2022.


Manager Report:

      Office Update :

  • The cabling has been completed for the new server.
  • Ben Elliot was here to start the audit.


District Update:

  • Manager Meeting went over Lead & Copper Rule Revisions.  More information will come out as to what The District will need to do to comply.
  • Mike attended a Poly-fusion class
  • Met with the land owner for the future site of new well.  Mike has talked with Dwight to get things in place to move forward with the land purchase and easements.  
  • 4 new taps done in the last month.
  • Core & Main came out and fixed a few issues between Banyon and Auto Read, fixed the GPS on the laptop and installed Command Link on phones.  This will allow the operators to do reads and programming from their phones.
  • Before flooring can be done, the sill plates and floor joists need to be fixed.  Mike will ask for two estimates and report back.


Motion by Penny Oedekoven, second Judy Heisler, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 am.

ATTEST:    Dallas Conner                                       Bob Lewis 

               Clerk-Treasurer                                  President of the Board

ATTEST:    Dallas Conner                                                  Clerk-Treasurer 

                  Bob Lewis                                                    President of the Board